
  • Poultry Grit: A Vital Component in Chicken Health

    Chickens, like all birds, have unique dietary needs. An essential part of their diet often overlooked is poultry grit. It's a little detail, but it plays a significant role in the health and productivity of chickens. What Exactly is Poultry Grit? Poultry grit are small, hard rocks or pebbles that chickens ingest. These stones end up in the chicken's gizzard, a muscular part of their stomach, where they aid in the digestion process.
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  • A Guide to Buffalo Turf Care: Proven Tips to Maintain a Lush Lawn

    Buffalo turf is particularly durable and low maintenance. It also has a great colour that can complement any landscape design. But, like any other type of turf, it requires proper care in order to thrive. If you own or are planning to have a buffalo turf lawn, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know about its maintenance. Watering  Buffalo turf is drought-resistant, but it still needs proper watering.
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  • Why is Agricultural Lime Commonly Used for Growing Crops?

    If you own farmland that you use for growing crops, you probably want to do what you can to ensure that your crops succeed. This means that you might want to educate yourself about the different products, techniques, and equipment that are commonly used by successful farmers who grow good-quality crops on a consistent basis. You might have heard that people commonly use agricultural lime by adding it to the soil before growing crops, but you could be wondering why this is the case or whether or not it's something you should implement in your own farming operation.
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  • What Irrigation Systems Are Available for Farmers?

    If you've decided to join the army of Australian farmers providing food for the nation, you may want to re-purpose some fields to grow crops. While you will have to prepare the ground carefully so that you can sew your seeds according to best practices, you'll certainly want to ensure that they grow and flourish. In this case, irrigation must be front and centre in your mind, and you'll want to know about the different approaches available to you.
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  • Are your chickens getting enough calcium?

    Keeping chickens can be a great way of providing a source of fresh eggs for sale or just for the use of your own family. If you keep chickens on your property, then you will know that there is plenty that you have to do to keep them happy and healthy. You must provide them with a safe environment and ensure that they get all of the food that they need to thrive.
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  • How To Stop Your Natural Bushland From Being Overrun By Foreign Plants

    Australia has beautiful native flora and fauna that are not found anywhere else in the world. Unfortunately, because of this unique isolation that Australian plants had from the rest of the world, when weeds from overseas accidentally get brought into the country, the native plants here have no natural protection against it. That is why you might see native bushland slowly being infected by weeds and the bushland getting overrun with ugly creepers and long weeds.
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  • Does Your Garden Look Thirsty? Here Are a Few Ways You Could Benefit From a Simple Irrigation System

    Irrigation supplies come in all shapes and sizes, from the large commercial systems that can pump thousands of litres of water out an hour to your humble backyard hose. If you love your garden and enjoy tinkering around with ideas to make it easier to maintain then you have no doubt considered irrigation supplies at some point. Not only can they do a much better and more consistent job than you can yourself but also they are very easy to set up and not that expensive either.
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  • Two Tips for Agriculture Enthusiasts Who Want to Set Up Farms

    If you have always been interested in agriculture and would like to set up a farm, you might find these tips helpful. Stick to hardier varieties of vegetables or fruits if you want to grow crops When you first venture into the world of agriculture, it is best to limit your crops to varieties of fruits and vegetables that are hardy. The reason for this is that there are many variables that can affect how bountiful and healthy a harvest your crops will produce.
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