A Guide to Buffalo Turf Care: Proven Tips to Maintain a Lush Lawn

Posted on: 20 September 2023

Buffalo turf is particularly durable and low maintenance. It also has a great colour that can complement any landscape design. But, like any other type of turf, it requires proper care in order to thrive. If you own or are planning to have a buffalo turf lawn, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know about its maintenance.


Buffalo turf is drought-resistant, but it still needs proper watering. The best time to water buffalo turf is early morning. This way, the grass can absorb the water before the sun comes up, and the water won't evaporate quickly. Make sure the water penetrates the soil deeply so that it can reach the roots of the turf. However, you must be careful not to overwater because it can cause the grass to suffocate or develop root rot.


Mowing buffalo turf is important for keeping the grass healthy. It's best to mow when the grass is dry to avoid tearing or damaging the blades. Don't cut the grass too short because it can stress and weaken the turf. You should also avoid removing too much of the leaf blade at one time because it can shock the grass.


Buffalo turf doesn't require as much fertilising as other grass types. However, it still needs essential nutrients to grow healthy. It's best to apply fertilisers in Spring and Autumn. Applying organic fertiliser is better as it doesn't contain chemicals that can damage the grass. Also, be careful not to apply too much fertiliser because this can lead to runoff, polluting local water sources.

Pest Control

Buffalo turf is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. But it doesn't mean that it's impossible to get infected. Irrigating properly and avoiding over-fertilising can prevent pest and disease attacks. However, if you see any pests or disease symptoms, you should address them immediately. Identify the problem, get the right treatment and apply it to the affected area.


Soil aeration involves creating small holes in the turf that allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the root zone. You can perform shallow aeration using a garden fork or aeration shoes. However, for deep aeration, it's best to use a motorised aerator. You can perform aeration in spring or autumn once a year. Aeration can help improve soil stability, increase resistance to drought, and enhance the overall growth of buffalo turf.

Buffalo turf is a low-maintenance and robust grass type. It can withstand harsh climates and has great colour properties. Taking care of buffalo turf requires some necessary practices, such as regular watering, proper mowing, fertilising, pest control, and soil aeration. These practices can help promote a healthy and vibrant lawn. By following these tips, you can ensure that your buffalo turf lawn stays beautiful and adds value to your property.

To learn more about types of turf, including Sapphire buffalo turf, reach out to a local supplier.


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